
APSI welcomes a select number of scholars from the Asia Pacific region to visit Duke each year.

Visiting scholars are nominated by APSI faculty members and are expected to conduct independent research and engage with faculty and students at Duke.

Once you have connected with an APSI faculty member who has approved your research proposal, please contact us to obtain more information about visa requirements and timelines.

Our current visiting scholars are:

  • Dr. Ryan Holmberg, Independent scholar | Research interests: Interactions between American and Japanese popular culture, the history of nuclear visual culture in Asia, and the impact US military installations have had on Japanese culture and society
  • Professor Deokhwa Hong, Associate Professor of Sociology, Chungbuk University | Research interests: environmental sociology, environmental movements, commons, degrowth energy transition, sustainability transition, climate crisis and disasters
  • Dr. Dawoon Jung, Research Fellow, Korea Institute of Public Finance | Research interests: Behavioral economics, conflicts and in-group prosocial preferences in Indonesia, impact of external shocks (e.g.: war, natural disaster) on individual prosocial preferences
  • Professor Sang Yun Seo, Assistant Professor, School of Business, Kyungnam University | Research interests: Social discrimination, population decline, social class, conspicuous consumption, low birth rates, AI and decision-making
  • Ran Xu, PhD candidate, Renmin University | Research interests: Environmental history, civil society and NGO studies, hydraulic history, economic history, quantitative history