Duke-Meiji University Exchange Program

Fans on a table depicting an owl mascot and Japanese characters
image credit: David Zong

Duke University’s Graduate School has an exchange program with the Graduate School of Political Science and Economics at Meiji University in Tokyo, Japan. Under the terms of this agreement, up to two Duke graduate students are invited to spend either a semester (usually the fall term) or a full year at Meiji University. Students in the MA in East Asian Studies program receive priority but the exchange is open to all students in the Graduate School.  Up to two Meiji University students who meet Duke's Graduate School admissions requirements are invited to spend a semester or full academic year at Duke University.

For Duke students, Meiji University will waive tuition and provides a stipend (which can be applied towards living costs such as housing; the amount offered varies annually and may not fully cover all expenses). Meiji University course credit will not apply to Duke graduation requirements, nor will it be reflected on a Duke transcript. Duke students participating in the exchange program at Meiji should register as a part-time student at Duke and pay only the continuing registration fee for the term(s) they will be away.

Application for the Meiji Exchange program takes place in early spring each year. Individuals interested in learning more about the exchange opportunity between Duke and Meiji University should contact Alex Nickley.

Prospective students for 2025 should explore the course syllabi and time table.

Application Requirements and Timeline

Duke students interested in participating in the Meiji Exchange Program should submit an application that includes:

  • Research plan (2 pages, max)
  • Letter of recommendation from Duke faculty
  • Official transcripts (may be electronic)
  • Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) is strongly recommended* but not required.

image credit: Danni Xu

All materials should be submitted to Alex Nickley at APSI by January 31, 2025 for consideration for the Duke nomination.

Important note: APSI is limited in the number of nominations it can submit each year. Final selections are determined by the host university.

*To take full advantage of the program students should have some background in Japanese language. Meiji recommends students attain proficiency at the JLPT N4 equivalent level or higher. Most courses available through this exchange are taught in Japanese.

Student Experiences at Meiji