APSI annually provides up to $3,000 in funding for research clusters that promote interdisciplinary and cross-cultural inquiry and collaboration among East and Southeast Asian studies faculty and students at Duke University and other Triangle area universities.

Each proposal requires three signers, at least two of whom must be APSI core faculty members. A faculty member may co-sign up to 2 proposals.

A report of the cluster’s activities, including a budget summary, is due from the recipient faculty by the end of the academic year.

    Current year clusters

    Research clusters supported by APSI in the 2024-2025 academic year are:

    Research clusters supported by APSI in the 2023-2024 academic year were:

    • Archival Research for East Asian Studies Cluster
    • Asian Digital Media Research Cluster 
    • East Asian Language Pedagogy Research Cluster
    • East Asian Religions Research Cluster