Duke faculty can apply to receive support for Asia-focused research clusters, course development grants, research project grants, presentation travel, and conference hosting.

Research Clusters

Supporting collaborative research

APSI annually provides up to $3,000 in funding for research clusters that promote interdisciplinary and cross-cultural inquiry and collaboration among East and Southeast Asian studies faculty and students at Duke University and other Triangle area universities.

    Research clusters supported by APSI for the 2023-2024 academic year are:

    • Archival Research for East Asian Studies 
    • Digital Asia Research
    • East Asian Language Pedagogy Research
    • East Asian Religions Research

    Each research cluster proposal requires three signers, at least two of whom must be APSI core faculty members.

    A faculty member may co-sign up to 2 proposals.

    A report of the cluster’s activities, including a budget summary, is due from the recipient faculty by the end of the academic year.

    Course Development Grants

    Funding for new courses focused on Asia

    Annual course development grants of up to $3,000 are usually due in October.

    For AY 2024-25, priority consideration will be given to proposals submitted by October 13th.

    Priority for funding will be given to graduate courses that serve the MA program in East Asian Studies, especially those that provide methodological training and consider overarching theoretical issues in a specific field or discipline.

    To apply for a course development grant, send the following items to Alex Nickley:

    1. A one-page (minimum) course proposal

    2. A budget with the specific description of planned use of the funds (e.g. - visiting lecturer, teaching materials, research assistant)

    3. The semester the course will be taught the first time (courses should be taught at least twice)

    4. Letter from department chair confirming the course will be rostered in the department –OR– an official Request For Approval of Add/Revision of Regular Course Offering signed by the department chair

    Contact APSI with any questions.

    Research Grants

    Seeding new and ongoing research

    Grants of up to $4,000 are given to support research beginning in the summer and concluding by June 30 of the following year.

    These grants provide seed money to launch new research projects, support research write-ups, or advance large, ongoing projects.

      Faculty may receive up to a total of $4,000 in an academic year. Calls for proposals are typically sent out in the spring.

      Priority for research grants will be given to:

      • Junior faculty or those with low/no alternate funding sources
      • Faculty needing to travel to conduct research in East or Southeast Asia
      • Faculty who have not recently received APSI funding
      • Faculty who have done conspicuous service for APSI

      Proposals should include:

      • a one-paragraph abstract (< 100 words)
      • a project description (2 pages, maximum)
      • an estimated budget (including any other funding sources)

      Recipients are required to submit a summary of the accomplished research within 3 months of project completion. This may be a copy of the report sent to the University Research Council (if both awards cover the same project).

      Any funds unused by the deadline revert to APSI.

      Presentation Travel Grants

      Advancing academic engagement

      Duke faculty needing assistance to cover travel expenses for presenting on East or Southeast Asian topics at conferences and professional meetings may apply for up to $700 from APSI.

      Priority is given to APSI core faculty, faculty who have not recently received travel support from APSI, and junior faculty members.

      Applications for FA23 are due to Alex Nickley by October 13; applications for SP24 will be due by early February. Applications may be submitted well in advance of the deadline.

      Awards from the fall grant cycle may be used for travel support any time in the entire academic year.

      Applications require:

      • Statement of funding needs, including cost of transportation, lodging, and registration, as well as a list of other available funding sources
      • Evidence of paper or presentation acceptance (e.g.: conference program, invitation from organizer)
      • Title and abstract of paper to be presented

      Conference Hosting Grants

      Enhancing scholarship at Duke

      APSI provides seed funding of up to $8,000 each year for faculty hosting an academic conference at Duke on humanities or social science topics related to East or Southeast Asia.

      Applications for conferences taking place AY2024-25 are due to Alex Nickley by October 31, 2023.

      Each proposal should include:

      • A 3-page description including the rationale for the conference
      • List of potential participants
      • Plans, if any, for publishing the proceedings
      • Budget estimate (including other funding sources)

      Send proposals via email to Alex Nickley.